5 Common Anxiety Disorders

5 Common Anxiety Disorders

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, anxiety disorders are the country’s most prevalent mental health problem. The organization further estimates that more than 35 million American adults suffer from anxiety disorders. San Diego anxiety is a feeling of eerie unease. For example, you may be nervous before and during a job interview or worry and be anxious about sitting for an examination. However, if your fear or anxiety is ever present, severe, and difficult to control, it may significantly affect your quality of life and cause great discomfort. In that case, you should see your doctor immediately.

Some symptoms that may indicate an anxiety disorder are difficulty breathing, dry mouth, heart palpitations, numbness or tingling sensations in your feet, uneasiness, sleeping problems, trouble focusing, muscle rigidity, and sweating.

It has not yet been established what exactly causes anxiety disorders. Still, several studies show that the different types of anxiety disorders may come due to a combination of various factors. These factors may include a stressful environment, drug and alcohol misuse or withdrawal, and particular medical conditions like thyroid disease.

Consequently, below are the common types of anxiety disorders you may experience.

  1. Generalized anxiety disorder

When you have a generalized anxiety disorder, you excessively worry about issues and situations you face daily. That means you worry and tense with little or no provocation. You are unlikely to be in a position to identify the cause of your fear.

Apart from worrying, you will also feel tired, easily irritated, and have difficulty sleeping and concentrating.

A generalized anxiety disorder often lasts more than six months.

  1. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

An obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by long-lasting undesired thoughts, sensations, obsessions, or the urge to repeat something constantly. You may suffer from both compulsions and obsessions.

For example, an obsessive-compulsive disorder may involve washing your hands numerous times after touching something you suspect to be dirty, a strong feeling that particular numbers are good or bad, or requiring objects lined up in a certain order.

  1. Panic disorder

If you have a panic disorder, you will have sudden and frequent episodes of heightened fear. Other symptoms you may show are chest pains, breathing difficulty, shaking, dizziness, confusion, and stomach pain.

  1. Agoraphobia

This particular anxiety disorder involves intense fear of a specific situation or place that makes it difficult or embarrassing for you to escape.

You may experience agoraphobia when you use public transportation, are in open or enclosed spaces, are in a crowd, or are standing alone outside a home.

If you have agoraphobia that you do not treat, you may have a severe condition that affects your ability to perform daily activities or worries you about leaving your house.

  1. Social phobia

Presently referred to as a social anxiety disorder, social phobia makes you have significant anxiety and discomfort because of embarrassment, humiliation, rejection, or being made to feel unworthy in social interactions.

Once diagnosed with your anxiety disorder, your mental health professional will inform you about the available treatment and management solutions. Techniques for managing and treating anxiety disorders may include anti-anxiety medications, cognitive behavioral therapy, and antidepressants.

Contact MindSet today to schedule a consultation with an anxiety disorders specialist.

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