5 Simple Exercises That Can Help With Chronic Hip Pain
The hip is a complex joint that supports your body weight, absorbs shock, and transfers force from side to side. Because of this, it is important to protect your hips with proper exercise and rest. Chronic hip pain is a serious condition that can restrict mobility and quality of life. It can also be hard to diagnose, so getting the right treatment can be challenging. If you constantly struggle with hip pain, consult an AABP Integrative Pain Care clinic specialist to determine how to manage it. Here are some simple exercises at home that may help with your chronic hip pain.
1. Habitual Physical Activities
Habitual movements such as swimming and walking can help with chronic hip pain. These exercises can help you maintain a healthy weight, especially if you have chronic hip pain.
They also help keep your muscles strong and reduce the risk of injury or illness by improving balance throughout the body. The more active you are, the healthier and more stable you are. Before incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, it is best to seek guidance from your doctor or physical therapist.
2. Gentle Yoga
Yoga is a great way to strengthen the hips and improve flexibility. It can also help you relax and reduce stress. Try gentle poses like tree or triangle poses if you have chronic hip pain. It is best to ensure your supervisor or coordinator is on sight to guide you through the most effective yoga exercises. However, if you have had a severe hip injury or a medical condition restricting your movement, seek another alternative stretch exercise for your hip pain.
3. Strength Training
Strength training is a great way to build muscle, improve stability and reduce pain. This exercise also helps with weight loss, flexibility, balance, and coordination. If you have chronic hip pain that does not improve with other forms of treatment, such as rest or medication, consider strength training. Try strength training exercises 2 to 3 times daily with short, consistent breaks for effective results.
4. Foam Rolling
Foam rolling is an effective technique that can help relieve chronic hip pain. It can also improve your range of motion by relieving muscle tightness, inflammation, and soreness in your hips. It is a simple exercise that requires you to fold the foam roller, lie on it and gently move your hips sideways or in a rotating manner.
Foam rolling is mostly effective for those suffering from pain associated with hip osteoarthritis. If you struggle with chronic hip pain, try foam rolling thrice daily for 10 to 15 minutes each session.
5. Stationary Bike Exercises
Stationary bikes can improve hip function by relieving the tensed-up muscles. It can also strengthen your legs and help you maintain a healthy weight. Using a stationary bike, you can perform low-impact exercises that allow your hips to rotate externally gently. As a result, your body becomes stable enough to prevent the risks of injuries, particularly on your hips. The stationary bike also prevents stiffness and inflammation by lubricating the hip joint.
These exercises mentioned above can manage chronic hip pain because they target muscles and tendons that are often tight from overuse or poor posture. However, the most important thing is finding a doctor or physical therapist to help you determine what works best for you.
In addition to these exercises, it is also important to maintain healthy lifestyle habits to avoid other health complications. If you have questions or need more information about relieving chronic hip pain, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.