Ali Reveals How she Lost 6 Stone & Won £500!

Ali Reveals How she Lost 6 Stone & Won £500!

Ali Reveals How she Lost 6 Stone & Won £500!

Ali lost 6 stone and won third place in our spring/summer Transformation Challenge. Ali never thought she’d win. So was happy and surprised when the New You team called her. We interviewed Ali to find out about her journey and to see if she had any advice or tips to offer.


New You: Hi Ali, congratulations on winning third place in our spring/summer Transformation Challenge. To start us off, can you tell us how much have you lost on the Plan and how long it took you?

Ali: So, I have lost around 6 stone and it’s taken me around 9 months.


New You: That’s fantastic weight loss! Did you ever think you would win when you entered the competition? And how do you feel now that you have won?

Ali: Yeah I was so nervous but also excited! I really didn’t think I would win anything. I follow other people’s journeys and they have been so beautiful and inspiring, so I was very happy to hear I had placed.

New You: It’s the waiting to find out that gets you! So, how much did you lose during the Transformation Challenge period?

Ali: I lost around 5 stone over this time.

After losing 6 stone, Ali has fallen in love with herself again.

Discovering New You

New You: You must have worked so hard. Let us take you back, how did you discover the New You Plan?

Ali: My sister was doing some research for me, comparing other plans and when we spoke, we both had a gut feeling this would be the one for me.


New You: Always trust your gut – that’s what we say! Can you describe how you felt before starting the Plan?

Ali: I was very nervous to start the Plan I hadn’t done anything like this in a very long time. Almost 10 years ago before my wedding was the last time, so it was quite a big step. But when I received my order, I was positive to start.


New You Favourites

New You: What are your favourite New You meals and snacks?

Ali: Everything is so yummy I always comment on how nice everything is. Every day I have the caramel muesli –  it’s like an energy boost it’s nice and crunchy and satisfying. I love all the recipes online. I have been having the Indian daal every day and the white and milk chocolate protein balls. They feel like a cheat, and like the conventional version you get in the shops. The Plan just works with, and for me. I usually eat every 4 hours because I feel satisfied and full so I am able to leave that gap in-between meals. Then in the evening, I enjoy my snack.

Life Changing

New You: Those chocolate balls do feel naughty! How has your health improved or life changed since losing 6 stone?

Ali: There are so many benefits! I feel more positive, I have more energy and I have fallen in love with myself more and fully accept myself. Before, I couldn’t walk for 10 minutes, but now I walk for over an hour every day. I am so much more positive, my heart rate is better and I now go swimming. It’s all just so positive, it really has changed my life. 

I have health conditions such as PCOS which make it tricky to lose weight and this shows it does work; my GP is so happy with everything. We hadn’t considered this before I started, but because I’ve lost 6 stone, my husband and I are now able to try for IVF which is amazing and exciting news. 

I just want people to know that if you suffer from fertility or hormone issues the New You Plan really can help. Even my dentist is happy with how well my teeth and gums have improved and it’s all due to the Plan and the nutrients the products contain.


New You: Wow, we don’t often hear that dentists are happy with New You products! We love that! So apart from your healthy gums,  what is the nicest compliment you have received since losing 6 stone?

Ali: There have been so many and a few funny things as well. One that sticks with me is that my sister and I went out, and she is one year younger than me, and someone asked if I was her daughter! That was an amazing compliment. I have also been told that I am glowing, which was very nice to hear.

Ali lost 6 stone and every morning she has had the caramel muesli for breakfast.

Any Advice?

New You: And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking of starting the Plan?

Ali: I would say be positive, have faith in yourself, and try not to worry if you have days where you don’t feel the best or you fall off Plan. Just remember tomorrow is a new day and what you do next is what matters; do not let one mistake ruin your progress.

Ali recommends the New You Plan to anyone wanting to lose weight. Just be positive and have faith in yourself.

Ali’s had a fantastic journey and we’re glad that we could be a part of it. She’s left us with some great advice there, positivity and faith in yourself are important mindsets to adopt. That’s why we offer free mindset coaching to help you in that area! Losing 6 stone is a fantastic achievement and we hope to catch up with Ali in the future.

Feel Inspired?

Ali was someone who was inspired by the results of others on the Plan and now her own story has been shared in the hopes it will do the same.

Whether you want to lose half a stone or 10 stone, have a slimmer figure, or are just looking to get maximum nutrition in minimum time, then New You can make the perfect partner to get you to where you want to be.

Not sure? Try our 7-day bundle and see what you can achieve in a week. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Ali Reveals How she Lost 6 Stone & Won £500!

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