Anne-Marie lost 25lbs but her New You journey is far from over!

Anne-Marie lost 25lbs but her New You journey is far from over!

Anne-Marie lost 25lbs but her New You journey is far from over!

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Congratulations to Anne-Marie on being one of our Spring Summer Transformation challenge runners-up and walking away with £250 Cash!

We caught up with Anne-Marie to first congratulate her but also to find out more about her New You Journey, she has also recorded a video of her journey.

We asked Anne-Marie a few questions to understand how she felt before The New You plan and how our plan has helped change her life.

How did you discover the New You Plan?

I had been seeing ads on Facebook but I was afraid of failing because I had tried so many before so I was worried about trying it and failing and then gaining weight again. I used to reward myself with food. I saw a post on a group that said you are only missing out if you had never had it which is so true so that helped.

Describe how you felt before starting the plan.

It’s so hard to explain because I get emotional, I had forgotten who I was I was turning down so much and if I did go out them, I was the funny girl who tried to make everyone laugh because I was afraid someone said something about me so I would try and get there first. It affected my relationship with y husband and my kids and I felt so ashamed I just hated how I felt. It’s just so freeing now to talk about it and to know it’s okay not to be ok. I was afraid to be me because I was afraid of being judged. I had a hysterectomy as I have endometriosis and polycystic ovaries and from that, I put weight on and then with my bad back it got worse and I was struggling to walk. Now when I look in the mirror, I can see me. I’m not just a mum or a teaching assistant I’m Ann-Marie the effect on my mental health has been amazing

How has New You changed your life?

In every way possible. I feel like I’m becoming a better stronger version of me I always used to see the negative first but now I make an effort to find a positive in everything and it impacts everything, work home everything

What are your favourite meals and snacks?

I absolutely love the veg chilli I could eat it every day. I also love making blamounge. That’s what I love about the group people post so many ideas of different creations and different ways to create things and I made buns one day and I think I inhaled one, they didn’t last very long. I don’t have snacks very often but I love the salt and vinegar crisps especially if you have water with you because it brings the flavour out even more. The chocolate orange and mint chocolate shake are so nice and warm its like a little hug in a mug

What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting the plan?

I think I would be honest it’s never going to be easy the hardest part though is getting started and believing you can do it with other diets you are on your own and you get lost and with New You, you are part of a family and if you fall, they help you back up. Always take pictures so you can see your hard work what you drop in pounds you gain in confidence I always say in the group you have this and we have you.

Just go for it

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