Beauty Broth Hot Pot Slim Down Method Premium PD Recipe
Direct link to this recipe: https://protectivediet.com/recipe/beauty-broth-hot-pot-slim-down-method
I created this low-cal, hot, brothy bowl to soothe the insatiable with a protective veggie variety. Suppose you are struggling with a daily binge and regret habit due to winter boredom and blues. In that case, this is a protective solution to tame your raging appetite with an everyday, caloric-reducing skin-brightening meal starter. In the winter, when I only want warm starch and salad veggies are limited and lackluster, I veg-it-up pre-starch with a colorful aromatic Beauty Broth Hot Pot to keep me slim, full, and glowing from polyphenols and nitric oxide production. When a salad starter is out of season, we can still curb our appetite while meeting protective veggie goals before diving into the main dish of starch energy. If a Protective Diet is a no-brainer, but emotions, stress, and the need to constantly feed made your pants snug and you feel low, join me. Make a veggie broth hot pot your dinner starter every day for two months and relish in the non-restrictive results. Take notes and share your slim-down results to celebrate the new year. As a community project, let’s boost our immune systems by keeping veggie consumption high and our BMI protectively low. Join The Protective Diet Education Beauty Broth Slim Down Support Challenge Kick-Off in PD-Ed Lesson #320. Please comment below if you are implementing my method to slim down fast or stay slim by curbing a raging winter appetite with my soothing, satisfying practice. A Protective Diet will eliminate toxic load and naturally strengthen your immune system. We can eliminate and prevent inflammatory disease, food sensitivities, environmental allergies, digestive disorders, as well as viral threats and improve metabolism with The PD-Ed Protective Microbiome Population Project Classes and Recipes.