Cancer Dietitian Turns 15!! Announcements & Updates!
Resources for the Newbies!
I’ve had a lot of new followers recently. Welcome! And I offer a bit of an apology as I’ve been MIA lately, making plans for a new program for healthcare professionals (see below) and planning for 2023!
For those who are new, or who might not be aware, I have several resources that may be helpful for you, or someone you love.
Here’s a few of the most popular resources:
- Eat the Rainbow – Winter Edition! PROGRAM STARTS NOVEMBER 28th!
- Treatment Tips – tips for common nutrition related side effects during and after cancer treatment
- Webinars – recordings of lots and lots of webinars I have presented in the last few years
- Podcast – Did you know that I have a Cancer Dietitian Podcast? I haven’t recorded anything this year, but the first 5 topics are my absolute favorite things to talk about. check it out! And look for new episodes starting in December this year to go with the Eat the Rainbow program!
- Hot Topics – These are some of the most asked about, and controversial, topics related to nutrition and cancer. Let me help you lower the anxiety and get to the facts about issues like sugar, organic, GMOs, etc.
- RECIPES!! I have several recorded cooking classes and I only share recipes that 1. I can manage. 2. aren’t super complicated. 3. Are nutritious AND delicious!
Birthday Party!

Can you believe it’s been 15 years since my first www.cancerdietitian.com blog post in 2007? Who knew that the website would grow into such a big thing? Now we have webinars, cooking videos, online classes, a podcast and digital programs, all at NO CHARGE to cancer survivors and caregivers. It’s hard to believe!
To celebrate, I’m hosting a coffee truck party for local followers. If you are local to the Winston Salem area and did not receive information about the party, let me know and I’ll send it out to you!
Are you a “not local” follower but want to celebrate somehow? Consider making a donation to help us continue offering great Cancer Dietitian programming!
Just for fun, here’s a screen shot of my first blog post:

New Program for Healthcare Professionals!
The last announcement for the day is for healthcare professionals! I have a new membership program for healthcare professionals who want tools for educating about nutrition & cancer. If you’re not a healthcare professional, but know someone who is, please share this with them!

I know that many healthcare professionals are tied up with the day-to-day tasks of providing care to your clients, and don’t have the time to research everything that clients ask about. Instead, members get to help me pick the topics and I do the work of researching, designing, and pulling together the consumer-friendly messages for you to share with your clients and community.
Pricing for this new program will go up in January. If someone joins before then they are a “founding member” with the price locked in for life!
Membership fees are all paid to Cancer Services, Inc (the non-profit that makes this website possible) and help me make sure that all the Cancer Dietitian programming is available to cancer patients and survivors AT NO CHARGE!
Have questions about this program or any of the other resources? Send me an email or fill out my contact form!
– Julie
PS – Did you know that my full time job is Wellness Director for Cancer Services? Many of our programs are virtual and available for cancer survivors regardless of where they live. We have a gratitude program starting this Monday, November 7th. If you’re interested, check it out!