Christina can finally enjoy time with her family after losing 34lb

Christina can finally enjoy time with her family after losing 34lb

Christina can finally enjoy time with her family after losing 34lb

“I actually got into the soft play with my granddaughter, before my weight loss, there’s no way I would’ve been able to fit”

Christina first started The New You Plan to lose weight for a hip replacement but after losing 34lbs she is seeing that there are many more benefits that come with losing weight.

We caught up with Christina to find out how following our plan has changed her life. And yes she did achieve her weight loss goal and is ready for a hip replacement.

Can you describe how you felt before starting the plan? 

So I was feeling very frumpy and heavy, and quite low. I felt depressed I lacked motivation and my mobility wasn’t the best.

What was your first week like? Did you struggle with anything?

It wasn’t too bad. I had a couple of bad days while my body was adjusting, I felt a little bit tired and I had a bit of a bad headache on sort of day three or four, but I found it quite easy not having to worry about planning anything food-wise. So yeah, I found that really easy. It was really good, I had an amazing amount of energy, which was really good.

I woke up feeling rejuvenated it was Brilliant.

Do you have any favorite meals or snacks?

I usually have a Strawberry shake “Strawberry Shake tastes just like real Strawberries”

When I get in around six o’clock, I would have 2 packs for my main meal. my favorite meal is the Indian Daal “It tastes just like the real thing”.

I don’t usually tend to have snacks but I have some in the cupboard.  I tend to keep those for my extra-hungry days. The Cheddar Cheese Crisps are probably my favorite.

How would you say that the plan has changed your life? 

What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting the plan?

I think I would be honest it’s never going to be easy the hardest part though is getting started and believing you can do it with other diets you are on your own and you get lost and with New You, you are part of a family and if you fall, they help you back up. Always take pictures so you can see your hard work what you drop in pounds you gain in confidence I always say in the group you have this and we have you.

Just go for it

The energy I have now is fantastic and the motivation I have on a daily basis, just doing normal tasks that I used to struggle with, For example, cutting and painting my nails. I’ve been having to go to a salon for months and months, so yeah, it was really nice to do them myself this time and just sort of generally being able to get out and about and not be as breathless, you know, and just not feeling absolutely knackered every day, which is really nice.

How has your health improved?

My mobility’s amazing at the moment. I’ve still got hip issues, but with the weight loss, I’m able to get about more. I have also halved my medication, which is brilliant, and much better sleep as well, which obviously helps during the day as well.

What advice would you give to someone who was thinking of starting the plan? 

Take that first step. You will not regret it, take each day as it comes, and try not to get yourself too stressed out about it. And if you’re ever worried or you’ve got any questions, there is massive support on Secret Slimmers. They’re absolutely fantastic. It shows you that there are actually so good people out there even with everything that’s going on in the world. It’s so nice to see. It’s like a little mini slimmer family

Christina can finally enjoy time with her family after losing 34lb

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