Cortisol: The Master Hormone Book Review
Improve Your Health, Weight, Fertility, Menopause, and Longevity, and Reduce Stress
Cortisol: The Master Hormone is an empowering, informative, and motivational read. Wibe Wagemans and Ioana A. Bina, MD, Ph.D. book, Cortisol: The Master Hormone: Improve Your Health, Weight, Fertility, Menopause, Longevity, and Reduce Stress, provides readers with insights into understanding how your cortisol level plays a vital role in good health and well-being. Most individuals do not realize that the root cause of many conditions can be from having a high cortisol level, and normalizing your cortisol level can solve many health issues people struggle with.
An Invitation
At the beginning of the book, in a section called An Invitation, the authors explain the numerous conditions that high cortisol could cause, and in a simple, clear, concise manner, helps the reader understand why cortisol is the master hormone and how it can affect so many areas of your life.
Synopsis of Cortisol: The Master Hormone
In Cortisol: The Master Hormone, both authors help you understand with their words of wisdom that a journey of awakening does not require a traumatic event to occur to experience a rude awakening.
Author Wibe Wageman and Ioana A. Bina, MD, Ph.D., go over numerous conditions that high cortisol levels affect. Each chapter goes over different issues and conditions. They thoroughly explain how these issues and conditions can be caused by high cortisol and what you can do to normalize your cortisol level naturally.
This may make you think twice before you accept a drug from your doctor after you have been diagnosed with an issue. Did you check your cortisol level? If not, maybe you should, and if it is high, maybe you should buy this book and follow their advice so you can normalize it naturally and not use a prescription drug that is solving the issue but not solving the root cause of what’s causing it. Do you want to suffer the side effects of a prescription drug when you can solve it naturally?
Cortisol: The Master Hormone is packed with magnificent advice, techniques, and strategies, which teach readers how to normalize their cortisol, allowing them to regain control of their mental and physical health, so they can experience happiness and live a healthy and productive life.
They go over how stress levels impact sleep, brain function, blood pressure, bones, gut, appetite, weight, immune system, and aging.
Author Wibe Wageman and Ioana A. Bina, MD, Ph.D., provide brilliant insight on transforming your health so you can live your best life. This book includes fabulous advice and a wide range of recommendations and tips backed by scientific evidence on achieving the best health possible.
Throughout the book, Author Wibe Wageman and Ioana A. Bina, MD, Ph.D., provide a vast array of scientific evidence that helps readers acknowledge the vital importance of lowering your cortisol level if you suffer from high cortisol and how it plays an essential role in people’s mental and physical health.
One important factor I acquired from reading this fantastic book on cortisol was that individuals must maintain a healthy diet and incorporate exercise into their daily regimen. Creating a healthy lifestyle, exercising, meditating, and eating right can help enhance your quality of life and help lower your cortisol level.
They also mention that if you sign up to their website at www.masterhormone.com, you can find out when their test strips that can do from home will be available.
A normal cortisol level is necessary for well-being, but each individual needs adequate sleep to function well. Sadly, many people do not receive the amount of sleep that they need because of the various responsibilities that they have to do, which causes individuals to have stress and could cause a high cortisol level.
High cortisol levels can also increase their risk of developing illnesses, diseases, and even the possibility of early death.
The question is, how do we lower our cortisol level if it’s high and transform our lives so we can have a life filled with happiness and productivity? Author Wibe Wageman and Ioana A. Bina, MD, Ph.D., teach you in their book how to normalize your cortisol with tips, strategies, and techniques that are easy to incorporate into your life.
This book is an astonishing life-changing book.
In addition, through reading this book, I realized no matter what age you are, you can transform your health and create the life you always wanted for yourself.
I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in improving their cortisol level. Wageman and Ioana A. Bina, MD, the Ph.D. book are excitingly packed with outstanding advice, tools, and tips, and I find The Cortisol: The Master Hormone a rewarding, motivating, inspiring, and easy to read, and I am currently following their advice that they provide since I suffer from high cortisol.
The Authors
About Ioana A. Bina