Facts About Botox

Botox is a cosmetic treatment that involves your doctor injecting Botulinum toxin under your facial skin to reduce aging effects. Botulinum is poisonous, but doctors purify it and use it in small amounts for aesthetic and cosmetic benefits. About seven million people use Botox yearly to relieve aging effects. Botox Union Square is commonly used to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet. The injections temporarily paralyze your facial muscles, giving you smoother skin and a younger appearance. Before considering Botox treatment, it is essential to understand facts about the procedure, which include:

Botox is not a recent treatment

Botox has become popular recently, making people assume it is a new treatment procedure. The primary ingredients of Botox have been known for over two hundred years. Botulin toxin, the main component of Botox injections, was discovered in the 1820s by Dr. Justinus Kerner.

Botox has medical uses

Botox is commonly known for its cosmetic benefits but also has medical uses. The treatment can help ease your overactive sweat glands, relieving the humiliation of sweaty underarms. Botox treats migraines by preventing pain signals from reaching your nerve endings. It also treats overactive bladder and relieves chronic pain.

More men are having Botox recently than before

In the past, Botox was commonly known to be used by women only. More men are embracing the treatment to relieve facial aging signs. Since the year two thousand, the number of men having Botox treatment has increased by over three hundred percent. Most men get motivation from partners, colleagues, and friends.

Botox is a safe and effective treatment

Botulinum toxin is the main ingredient in Botox injections. If the toxin is used in large amounts, it can lead to poisoning. Dermatologists use Botulinum in small quantities, which are safe for cosmetic and medical problems. Food and Drug Administration proves Botox as a safe procedure. It has minimal or no side effects. Research shows that the treatment has a success rate of ninety-nine percent.

Botox results are not permanent

Botox results are not permanent. They often last about three to six months. You can have several treatment sessions to maintain your results for a longer period. Botox paralyzes your facial muscles temporarily. When your muscle movements resume, wrinkles and fine lines reappear gradually. Your skin type and skincare routine can determine the longevity of your Botox outcomes.

You can experience discomfort during Botox treatment

Botox injections can cause mild discomfort. Some people say the injections feel like pin pricking on the skin. The syringe your dermatologist uses to plug contents into your skin can make sounds like crunching on snow. Your provider can apply an ice pack on your skin to ease the discomfort. Botox treatment takes about fifteen minutes, and pain may last about half an hour.

Botox is a cosmetic treatment that reduces aging signs in your face, including wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet. The treatment is safe with no or minimal side effects, and results are temporary, lasting three to six months. Schedule an appointment with Matthew W. Shawl, MD, for Botox treatment to reduce your facial wrinkles and lines. 

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