Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet
My latest book, Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet published on Amazon, is a cliff notes version of the original 17 Day Diet book by Dr. Moreno.
It’s designed to give you quick results in your very first week of the 17 Day Diet.
Every year I’m asked if I have printed books for my recipes and/or my quick start guide for the 17 Day Diet, and my usual answer is “no”.
While I mainly offer digital products that you can download onto your computer, I have published a paper back food journal, Simply Me, a few years back that members absolutely love!
I figured it was time to offer more help to those who prefer to hold a book in their hand and hence the Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet book was published!
Look Inside Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet
Like I mentioned earlier, Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet is a cliff notes version of the original book by Dr. Moreno designed to get you up and running quickly so you can see results in your very first week.
I’ve summarized the entire 17 Day Diet by cycle along with my practical tips, complete food lists, and reminders for each phase.
Here are a few snapshots of inside the book:
A Complete Overview of the 17 Day Diet
Inside my book, you’ll find a complete overview of the entire diet.
In addition to this particular broad overview, I also take you step-by-step for each individual cycle.
I also include visuals so you can also get a different perspective of the 17 Day Diet.
Here’s an example of one of the infographics I created for this book:
Transitional Day Fast Overview
In Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet, I also give you a brief overview of the Transitional Day Fast for The 17 Day Diet (aka smoothie day) that was first introduced in the 17 Day Diet Breakthrough Edition published in 2013.
Cycle Food Lists
In Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet, I include all the cycle food lists from the original 17 Day Diet along with any updates/changes from the Breakthrough Edition, all in one place!
No more flipping through two books to make sure you have all the correct and updated information!
7 Day Cycle 1 Meal Plan
In addition to the overview by cycle, food lists, tips and reminders, I also include a 7 day meal plan with recipes for Cycle 1 of the 17 Day Diet.
I know how difficult it can be to get your meals planned out when you’re first starting out, so I did all the hard work for you!
In Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet, I give you a complete 7 day meal plan for cycle 1.
This meal plan includes recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner for your first week!
7 Day Wellness, Fitness & Food Journal
I know how important it is to keep track of your food, so I included a 7 Day Wellness, Fitness & Food Journal inside my Fast Track book.
Not only does it provide accountability, it also helps keep a historical record so you can always review past entries to see where you might need to improve or pivot if you’re not seeing results.
This journal not only allows you to track your food intake, but it also helps you keep track of your gratitude and goals, daily intentions, water consumption, exercise and more!
If you want a food journal that is more specific to the 17 Day Diet, you should definitely check out My Lil’ Food Journal for The 17 Day Diet, available in both paperback and hard cover!
Available Book Formats
Fast Track Your Weight Loss For the 17 Day Diet is available on Amazon in three different formats – paperback, hard cover and Kindle e-book (you don’t need a Kindle in order to view this book).
If you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited, you get FREE access to the Kindle e-book format!
I’ve also enable the “lending” feature on Kindle, so if you have a friend who might be interested, you’re able to lend your copy to them!
Click here to check out Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet, now available on Amazon!
Kindle Version of Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet
If you decide to purchase the Kindle version of this book, please know that I did NOT include the 7 Day Wellness, Fitness & Food Journal due to obvious reasons.
A food journal doesn’t quite work on a Kindle version due to the nature of the format, so I include a link inside the e-book to download a printable version of the wellness journal!
Also, remember if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited, you get access to this Kindle e-book for free!
Where to Buy Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet
By now it might be obvious where to purchase, but just in case you skipped all the way to the end, you can purchase Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet on Amazon!
If you decide to purchase my Fast Track book, I’d really appreciate it if you would leave a review on Amazon. This helps spread the word to other who might want to start the 17 Day Diet for the first time!
I’ve been loving the 17 Day Diet since 2011. I love sharing my favorite healthy recipes and meal plans to keep you motivated and on the right path to success!
When I’m not hanging out here, I enjoy quick trips to the Oregon Coast, designing my jewelry line and watching Outlander!
Are you new to the 17 Day Diet? Check out my latest book, Fast Track Your Weight Loss With The 17 Day Diet on Amazon! (aff link)