Is Your Iron Level Low? 6 Ways to Boost It – Best Health Guidelines

Is Your Iron Level Low? 6 Ways to Boost It – Best Health Guidelines

Did you know that an iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide?

Yes, it’s true….

It is defined as having a low level of iron in your blood, and it can lead to anemia. The human body needs iron for energy, but it also needs other nutrients to absorb it.

Iron deficiency is not just a woman’s problem; men can experience it as well. Your body loses iron every day through sweat and urine, so if you have an unhealthy diet or too much bleeding, you may be at risk for this condition.

Iron deficiency can cause weakness and fatigue, as well as dizziness and tingling in your hands or feet. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications such as heart disease and diabetes.

Luckily there are numerous iron capsules available in the market that you can use to treat anemia. But takingnutr expert consultation is imperative.

However, several other ways to prevent iron deficiency are also there. All you have to do is know the signs and take action right away.

In this article, we have enlisted seven ways to boost your iron level naturally.

Have a look!

1. Eating a diet rich in iron

The best way to boost your iron levels is to eat a diet that’s rich in heme iron — found in animal products like red meat, chicken, and pork — and non-heme iron — found in plant-based foods like beans, nuts, and lentils. Heme iron is easily absorbable as compared to non-heme iron.

However, iron absorption varies greatly from person to person based on several factors, including age, gender, and even certain medications.

2. Keep Your Body Hydrated

Drinking enough water is important for overall health and well-being, but it’s especially important when you’re trying to boost your iron levels. When you drink water, it dilutes the concentration of minerals in your bloodstream, thereby making them easily absorbed by the body.

In addition, water helps flush out excess toxins that can interfere with the absorption of nutrients such as iron.

Also, read: 5 Benefits of Taking Iron Supplements

3. Avoiding Tea And Coffee At Meals

One of the most common causes of low iron levels is a diet high in caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea. These beverages can interfere with the absorption of iron in your gut. To avoid this problem, it is good not to take these beverages with meals or several hours before or after eating a meal containing iron-rich foods like meat or beans.

4. Cook With Cast Iron Pots And Pans

Cooking acidic foods (such as tomatoes) in cast iron pots and pans can increase the amount of available iron in those foods by up to five times. This is because when these types of food are cooked in cast iron pots and pans, they leach trace amounts of iron into the food itself. Cooking them on high heat can also help break down some compounds that inhibit the absorption of nutrients like vitamin C and beta-carotene.

5. Vitamin C Boosts Absorption of Non-Heme Iron

It is found that a non-heme iron is easily absorbed if it is taken with vitamin C. This means you should ensure to include vitamin C-rich food when you eat spinach or beans. One thing that can help make this easier is taking an orange juice supplement with your meal instead of drinking water before or after eating these foods.

This will give your body all the extra vitamin C it needs to absorb the non-heme iron in your food properly!

6. Take Supplements

If you have anemia and are tired of feeling exhausted all the time, try taking an iron supplement. Iron supplements come in many forms: some are liquids, while others are pills or capsules. If a pill is too big for your taste, ask your doctor if they can prescribe one that dissolves under your tongue instead of going down your throat (this can be easier on people with sensitive stomachs).

But it is suggested to consult your doctor before taking any form of supplementation, as they can review your medical history and determine whether or not supplementation is right for you. Or they can prescribe the best iron capsule for you.

Be sure to tell the doctor about any medications or supplements you’re currently taking so they can avoid any potential interactions between them and the new supplement.

I hope all the information discussed in this article proves helpful for you. To know more about anemia, and iron levels, stay tuned!

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