Organic Food Benefits for Your Children and Family

When we purchase food products for our children or cook for our families, we intend to give our loved ones a satisfying and nutritious meal. However, mass-produced vegetables, pulses, and grains may not be as healthy as you think. Inorganic fruits and vegetables are grown with a healthy dose of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, fumigants, and sometimes antibiotics. In the long run, such food may hurt your children’s physical and mental development.

The answer to the puzzle of finding nutritious ingredients for your home-cooked meals is organic food products. If you thought organic food was just a trend, we’re long past that stage. From 1994 to 2014, the sale of organic foods more than doubled in the United States. In the past decade, thousands of families worldwide have switched to organic farming products and experienced a treasure trove of health benefits.

What Makes Food Organic?

Food producers who follow the below-listed farming practices may apply for organic certification. Even then, the process of qualifying for certification is rigorous and thorough.

  1. Prepare an Organic System Plan -The plan should detail all the processes followed for food production, from growing the food to harvesting, processing, storing, and transportation. It should also include details about the substances used for cultivation, packaging, and preservation techniques.
  2. Organic System Plan Review – Once the organic system plan is implemented, it is reviewed by a certifying agent to ensure that all regulations are adhered to.
  3. Onsite Inspection – A comprehensive onsite inspection of the production facility to determine that the final product is organic. This inspection includes soil testing, equipment use, feed records, animal conditions, water systems, and more.
  4. Inspection Report & Review – The certifying agent prepares an inspection report that is submitted to the USDA. If the organic status is granted, an annual inspection is scheduled to ensure that the regulations are continually followed.

Benefits of Organic food for Family and Children

Organically grown food is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. They help children and adults build better immunity and health. Conventionally grown food contains pesticides, but organic food is free of them. Those who eat organic food have healthier skin, better stamina, and a lower risk of eczema and other allergies. There are various other benefits of organically grown food. Here’s a look –

  • Reduces the Risk of Lifestyle Diseases – Organic foods are grown without pesticides, fumigants, and antibiotics. They reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. Children given an organic diet from a young age grow up to be healthier adults with better stamina.
  • Nutritional Quality – Organic food is rich in nutrients and has better nutritional quality than conventionally grown produce. When grown organically, vegetables like tomatoes, lemons, and spinach are richer in vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, and other nutrients.
  • No Artificial Antibiotics or Hormones – Farmers inject plants and animals with synthetic growth hormones to meet the growing demand for fresh produce. Poultry and dairy farmers use such substances to make animals gain weight or produce more milk. In organic farming, no such hormones or antibiotics may be used; therefore, the final product is safe.
  • Rich in Antioxidants – Organic vegetables, pulses, and grains are rich in natural antioxidants. Antioxidants help the human body build a robust immune system. It enriches our blood and helps avoid heart diseases, chronic health conditions, and cancer.
  • Fresher Produce – Organic foods are preservative-free. While this feature makes organic food safer for humans, it also means that organic produce has a shorter shelf-life. Therefore, you can rest assured that any organic produce you see at the store is fresh from the farm.
  • GMO-Free – Non-vegetarian organic foods are produced from naturally bred animals. Their DNA is altered to prevent crossbreeding. It helps ensure that the meat you eat is healthy and GMO-free.
  • Improves Mental Well-Being – You are the food you eat. When you eat an organic diet, it positively impacts your mental well-being. Organic food is rich in antioxidants and nutrients, which also helps promote mental stability and emotional well-being.
  • Endocrine Health – Endocrine refers to the system of hormone-producing glands in the human body. These hormones are essential for the proper functioning of reproductive organs, sexual development of children, and preventing obesity, diabetes, and growth disorders. There are organic foods like Khapli wheat which are helpful in controlling sugar and diabetes. Eating organic food helps promote endocrine health in your body.

Is Organic Food Better for You?

In a word, yes. Organic is always better for people of all ages and conditions. It reduces the number of chemicals consumed by your body in processed and packaged foods. It may seem like a more expensive option, but the benefits of going organic far outweigh the costs in the long term.

Families focus on building better health, stronger immunity, and a life free of lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Organic food enriches your body with the proper nutrients and makes it easy for your digestive system.

Author Bio:

Kunal Tambe is part of the content marketing team at Two Brothers Organic Farms an online organic store. With his team, he works tirelessly to create awareness about organic farming, food sovereignty, sustainable practices, nutrition, climate change, and a myriad of issues that surround these topics. His content offers value to farmers, the agriculture industry, and end consumers. Besides writing and developing content strategies, he loves adventure sports and listening to classical music.

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