Six Need-To-Know Facts About Sedation Dentistry

Facts to Know About Sedation Dentistry - Brunel Dental Practice

Not everyone feels comfortable undergoing a dental procedure; some perceive it as uncomfortable or painful. Dental anxiety or fear is a common issue that leads to most people overlooking the need to visit their dentist often. On the other hand, this causes your condition to worsen further and birth more complex dental issues. However, sedation dentistry Koreatown services help remove undue fear or anxiety, thus allowing you to enjoy comfortable and relaxed dental treatments. If you suffer extreme anxiety when you visit your dentist, this approach can be your ideal solution. To learn more about this, here are the top six facts that you should know about sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry doesn’t put you in an unconscious state

Generally, sedation dentistry offers an excellent way to help relax your mind and body, thus putting you at ease during your entire procedure. This approach provides much-needed comfort and relaxation, especially during potentially stressful procedures like root canals. Furthermore, unlike how many people perceive it, sedation dentistry doesn’t put you in an unconscious state but places you in a relaxed, sleep-like state while you are still conscious.

Sedation dentistry incorporates three options

Depending on your procedure, various levels of sedation can be used. This includes oral sedation, IV sedation, and nitrous oxide. Though they all work to provide comfort during treatment, oral sedation is the most popular in easing anxiety, especially during upcoming dental procedures. First, your dentist will review your medical history to evaluate your unique concerns and determine your best option.

It addresses both minor and complex dental procedures

Even if you’re afraid of minor procedures like dental cleanings, this technique will relieve your anxiety effectively. Also, sedation dentistry is more popular in keeping cool before and during complex surgeries. Once the sedation is administered before the treatment session, you will feel relaxed and comfortable regardless of your procedure. Depending on the type of treatment you are having, your dentist will determine the amount of sedation needed to provide comfort and minimize anxiety.

Sedation can be controlled

Sedation is typically customized to each patient’s needs and procedure. Your dentist will control and adjust the amount of sedation to avoid overuse and tailor it to relax your body and mind specifically. Furthermore, the dentist will monitor your blood pressure, oxygen levels, heart rate, and temperature before and throughout the procedure.

Sedation dentistry is safe for people of all ages

Since fear or anxiety affects all people, from children to adults, sedation is a safe approach that provides comfort and relaxation to everyone. If your child has dental phobia, gag reflex or non-cooperative sedation is a great way to calm them.

Side effects of sedation dentistry are minimal

Sedation is more effective and safe than general anesthesia with mild side effects. Usually, you may feel drowsy or dizzy after sedation, but these feelings will dissipate soon. However, while the side effects can vary depending on the amount of your sedation, the effects will subside shortly after the procedure.

Although sedation dentistry is safe and typically comfortable, it should only be administered by a certified and qualified dentist. This will help you avoid severe after-effects or overdosing. However, sedation dentistry is your ultimate solution if anxiety or fear has been keeping you from receiving relevant dental treatment.

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