Slimming Duo Reveal How They Lost 108 lbs & Won £250!

Slimming Duo Reveal How They Lost 108 lbs & Won £250!

Slimming Duo Reveal How They Lost 108 lbs & Won £250!

For the first time here at New You, we had a joint entry to the Transformation Challenge! Amanda and Martin started their journey together and by the time they entered the spring/summer Transformation Challenge they had lost a collective 108 lbs! They had high hopes of winning and managed to place 4th, taking home £250. In another New You first we interviewed them together and you can read their full story below.


New You: Hi Amanda and Martin, congratulations on winning fourth place in our spring/summer Transformation Challenge. We think it’s fantastic that you shared this journey together! So to start us off, can you tell us how much you have both lost on the Plan and how long it took you?

Amanda: I have lost 52lbs we started in January and we have had breaks in between so maybe by the end of June.

Martin: I have lost 56lbs

Amanda: We timed things so when the 12 weeks were up, we had planned celebrations and holidays and then did another 12 weeks. We have both maintained from the end of June.


New You: So between you, you have lost 108 lbs! That’s incredible! Did either of you ever think you would win when you entered the competition? And how do you feel now that you have won?

Amanda: I thought it may be a possibility as we had done quite well and it really does work! I’ve tried so many diets where you lose and then stop but with this, it’s every week which helps keep you going

Martin: It is difficult at first to get into as you go from eating what you like but once you get into things it does get easier.


New You: Well, you both have done so well!  So, how much did you lose during the Transformation Challenge period?

Amanda: We both lost the majority of our weight during the beginning of the challenge.

Amanda lost 52 lbs with the New You Plan

Discovering New You

New You: Wow, that’s a lot in a short space of time. Let us take you back now, how did you discover the New You Plan?

Amanda: I saw that one of my friends had liked New You on Facebook and I thought I would have a look. Then we tried it before Christmas and loved it so we both started in January.

Martin: We both sort of started together. I tried some of Amanda’s as I am quite fussy. I was also quite skeptical because Amanda had tried a few things before and they didn’t work, but when I tried it, I enjoyed it, and then we both started together.


New You: A lot of people are skeptical and it’s understandable. We’re glad you gave us a chance Martin. Can you both describe how you felt before starting the Plan?

Amanda: Very uncomfortable, I just felt like I had no energy. None of my clothes fitted, everything just felt like a lot of effort and I knew I needed to make a change.

Martin: We went to an event in December and I had to buy additional suits because I had put weight on. I bought a new suit, and then another one, and when the event came neither of them fitted! That helped me to realise that I needed to make a change.

Amanda: I still have a way to go but I feel so much better about it already.


New You Favourites

New You: What are your favourite New You meals and snacks?

Amanda: Mine would be the sweet and sour noodles, spicy noodle nosh, and cream onion crisps.

Martin: I like the Mexican taco I have them every evening for my tea I love them!

Amanda: The tacos are quite filling.

Martin: Yes, they are that’s why I enjoy them they make you feel quite full along with the chicken crisps.

Amanda: We have a routine so we would stick closely to regular eating time throughout the day.

Martin: I have a shake for breakfast a pack at lunch and around 3 another shake then the evening I would have tacos with the chicken crisps.

Life Changing

New You: How has your health improved or life changed since losing 108 lbs between you?

Amanda: I mean we both feel so much better, have more energy, and also have better sleep.

Martin: My sleep is odd anyway with work pressure but if we go for a walk, we aren’t out of breath, we just glide up the stairs too.

Amanda: Yeah and our clothes fit better.

Martin: I had to buy another new suit for the wedding as the others didn’t fit! I had 4 suits that I couldn’t get into in December and then in July I had to buy another new one as all 4 suits were too big!

Amanda: Martin also had high blood pressure but he’s only on one tablet now.

Martin: Yeah my doctor has prescribed less medication which is amazing.


New You: That’s fantastic that you’ve had your medication lowered, Martin. So have either of you had any memorable compliments since you’ve lost a collective 108 lbs?

Amanda: Nothing stands out but most people saying we look really well and commenting on the difference. Just them noticing is nice.

Martin lost 56 lbs with the New You Plan

Any Advice?

New You: And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking of starting the Plan?

Amanda: Well, we didn’t stick to the full first 12 weeks. We would do one month and then have a treat day, so I would say plan your days and then once a month treat yourself. This means you can still enjoy time with friends and not deprive yourself. You just need to stick to it because it’s so worth it even when you don’t feel like it, keep going.

Martin: Yeah you see the results. If you deny yourself things and it doesn’t work then you lose hope, but this works every time. If you stick with it every day for a week it will work and it’s not small amounts – it’s really impressive!

Martin & Amanda are no longer out of breath when they walk.

Amanda and Martin have supported each other through a fantastic journey and they’ve not finished yet!  They’ve left us with some great advice there, if you want to enjoy some regular food, then make it part of your journey. If it’s planned you don’t feel guilty or worry that you’ve failed in some way. Losing 108 between them is a fantastic achievement and we hope to catch up with both in the future.

Feel Inspired?

Martin was skeptical and Amanda was hopeful, and together they achieved a fantastic result.  They are still on their path but hope that their story will inspire others to try New You for themselves.

Whether you want to lose half a stone or 108 lbs, have a slimmer figure, or are just looking to get maximum nutrition in minimum time, then New You can make the perfect partner to get you to where you want to be.

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Slimming Duo Reveal How They Lost 108 lbs & Won £250!

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