Understanding How Vasectomy Is Done to Prevent Pregnancy

Are you certain of your decision to never have a child in the future and would wish to enjoy a sex life with no worries of possible pregnancy? If your answer is yes, then vasectomy is the right procedure. Murray Hill urologist Michael Rotman, MD, specializes in carrying out this procedure once he ensures you have made the right choice. You will need a consultation session with him before he can schedule a day for surgery because vasectomy is permanent. While there are reversal surgeries, likely, it will not work. Therefore, your doctor will help you understand how it works before beginning treatment. The discussion below will highlight a few areas that can help you understand vasectomy.


Why Would You Choose Vasectomy?

As a man, you can choose this procedure if you are sure you do not want to have children in the future, aiming to prevent possible pregnancy. Vasectomy offers almost 100% effectiveness in preventing pregnancy because the procedure is permanent, with a low risk of major complications.

What Happens During a Vasectomy?

Before settling on this procedure, you may need to undergo an extensive consultation with your urologist to ensure that you make the right choice. Your doctor will help you understand the permanency of the procedure, your partner’s feelings concerning your decision, other methods you can try, and what vasectomy involves. Afterward, you can go in for treatment which may take up to 30 minutes. Your doctor will begin by numbing the area with anesthesia to help you stay numb and relaxed during surgery. The procedure can happen in two ways, as the discussion below highlights.

Conventional Vasectomy

During this procedure, your doctor will make incisions on your skin around the scrotum to access the vas deferens. Your doctor will then cut and remove a small piece to leave a gap between both ends. Next, your doctor will tie the loose ends of your tubes separately and repeat the procedure on your other tubes.

No-Scalpel Vasectomy

Here, you will require no incision on your skin. Instead, your doctor will puncture a small hole and then hold your scrotum with a clamp. Your doctor will stretch the hole to access the vas deferens so they can lift it out, cut it and then put it back in its place.

Do You Need To Worry About Sexual Performance After Treatment?

You may be concerned about your wellness to perform sexually following a vasectomy. However, a vasectomy will not interfere with your sex drive, erections, and ejaculations. You will only have no sperm in your semen after you complete your semen analysis. Although in the first few weeks, you may need other forms of birth control while having sex to prevent pregnancy until your doctor declares your semen to be sperm-free.

Vasectomy continues to grow in fame as a permanent form of birth control for men who no longer want to be fathers in the future. The procedure is safe and considered low-risk while effective in preventing pregnancy. During this procedure, your urologist cuts and ties your vas deferens so they will not join to allow the passage of sperm to prevent pregnancy. You can talk to your doctor about this procedure if you are sure you will not want children.

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