What are The Five Common Types of Allergies and Their Treatments?

5 Different Treatments for Allergies: Health Solutions: Board Certified  Family Medicine

Allergic reactions are among the most reported health complications that affect an estimated 1 out of 5 people in the United States. According to various allergy reports, allergies are triggered by foreign substances that enter your immune system, causing you to develop a runny nose, itchy eyes, hives, and many other uncomfortable symptoms. These foreign substances that cause allergic reactions are called allergens. For instance, if an allergen is present in the air, it can cause an adverse reaction in your eyes, lungs, or nose. If the allergen is ingested, it can cause a reaction in your ileum, stomach, and mouth. There are different types of allergies, some of which are year-round, and others are seasonal. Here are the five common types of allergies that a Silver Spring MD allergist addresses.

Hay Fever

During summer, fall, and spring, weeds, grasses, and trees release pollen grains into the air. This pollen can get into your throat and nose and trigger an allergic reaction called hay fever. The symptoms of hay fever are red and watery eyes, stuffed or runny nose, dark circles under the eyes, coughing, and sneezing. To help relieve your hay fever symptoms, your healthcare provider will recommend anti-inflammatory medicine or nasal steroid that you spray into your nose.

Insect Allergies

Insect allergic reactions occur when your immune system gets contaminated with venom from an insect sting. The notable symptoms of this allergy are swelling, pain, and redness around the sting site. You will likely experience difficulty breathing, stomach cramps, diarrhea, itchiness, and swelling of your face, tongue, and throat for severe cases of insect allergies. If you are diagnosed with insect allergies, your doctor will provide an epinephrine auto-injector.

Skin Allergies

A skin allergy usually occurs when your skin comes into direct contact with an allergen such as poison ivy, poison sumac, and poison oak. Other substances, such as chemicals and skin products, can also trigger similar allergic reactions. The most reported symptoms of skin allergies are swelling, redness, and itching. Your doctor may recommend treatments such as topical ointments, moisturizers, and steroids that can help relieve inflammation.

Food Allergies

As with insect allergies, your body’s reactions to certain foods can happen quickly and suddenly, resulting in life-threatening complications if not treated immediately. When you are allergic to a certain food, your body’s immune system reacts immediately after being in contact with a particular protein in the food. It only takes a small amount of this protein to trigger an allergic reaction about two hours after eating it. You are advised to call your doctor to help manage your food allergies by determining which foods you are allergic to.

Drug allergies

Drug allergies are more common among older patients than young patients since they take more medications than them. The most common allergy-causing medications are antibiotics, anti-seizure, chemotherapy, anticonvulsants, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The common symptoms of drug allergies are hair loss, stomach upset, skin rashes, hair loss, and respiratory problems. Consult your physician if you have an allergic reaction to a specific medication.

Contact an Allergist Near You Today

By now, you are fully aware of the different types of allergies and their possible treatments. This information is beneficial in lowering your risk of exposure to allergens that attack your immune system. The symptoms of colds and allergies can make you feel miserable and make it difficult to perform your daily duties. If left untreated for a long period, it can cause life-devastating consequences, such as damaging your respiratory system and making it difficult for you to breathe. Since allergy symptoms are very common, your first stop should be booking an appointment with an allergist, who is an expert in diagnosing, treating, and identifying the possible triggers of your allergies.

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