Fitness Model Abs at 59

Fitness Model Abs at 59

fit and fabulous over age 50

Fitness Model Abs at 59. After going through her first Hitch Fit transformation a couple years ago, Piper is BACK! This time, the goal was getting into amazing shape for her 60th birthday (which is coming up soon!). She wanted to build muscle, get body fat even lower, and get in the best shape of her life.

Mission accomplished! Piper got in absolutely amazing shape, and even gained the confidence to do a bikini photo shoot on the beach in Mexico at our Hitch Fit/Rockbody Retreat in May 2022!

Amazing and inspiring job Piper! You are such a great example to women in general, and especially to women in their 50’s and 60’s who think that incredible changes can’t happen to their health and body. Those six pack abs…wow!!

Piper’s Before and After Fitness Stats: 

Starting weight: 135

Ending weight: 123

Starting body fat: 28.85%

Ending body fat: 18.73%

bikini body at age 60

Piper’s Before and After Get Fit for 60 Photos: 

get in shape for 60

Piper’s Fitness Model Abs at 59 Story:

Get Fit for 60

“I was so happy with my first transformation and all that I accomplished, which is what prompted me to do a second transformation and take it to an even higher level of fitness.

Wow – looking at the after pictures from my first transformation, I am really happy to say, I love seeing more muscle and definition in my body!

I have not seen this since high school and truly never in my life because I didn’t have weight lifting or a better lifestyle (food and similar) back then.

My competitive side wishes I would have had this knowledge so I could have been better in sports!!  I could have been faster and stronger.  Now I get to be able to keep up with my children and grandchildren and go on more vacations with my husband!!

I started a second transformation because I wanted to build more muscle and get in the best shape of my life.  Primarily because I want to live a healthy and long lifestyle, but I also want to feel and look good for my 60th birthday that is happening in a few short months.

Now I have to come up with a goal for my 70th!  My grandmother learned to drive a car when she was 50 and learned to stand on her head when she was 60, so I have to keep up the tradition.  Maybe a 5k when I am 100?!!!

I said this back in 2019 when I finished my first transformation, and will say it again.  I learned how to eat right and how to work out correctly. This has had the most profound impact on my life.

Starving yourself and running twice a day every day is just not healthy.   But I thought I was eating good things and just needed to eat less and do more cardio since I was getting older.  I figured I was older and life just changes and you accept that, right?!   No way!  You don’t have to.  It isn’t a light switch and you have to work at it, but aren’t you the best investment you can make?

Your health, your emotional and mental state are lifted and you look at life differently.  It is truly worth it, I promise!

I don’t hide from pictures anymore at all costs.  I also thought my bikini and shorts days were over.  So not true!  I am proud of myself for losing 40 pounds of fat and gaining 6 pounds of muscle. (June 2019 – June 2022)  I am happy with the skin I am in!

fit women at 60

I even had my first fitness photo shoot at the recent Hitch Fit and Rockbody retreat in Mexico! Never in a million years would I have ever dreamed of having the confidence to do that!  I was terrified, I won’t lie and definitely could not have done that without Diana and Stephen (the photographer) by my side to help me. But I did it!

My husband (Jim) and I were recently talking about how blessed we are to have Micah and Diana in the Kansas City area. They are so amazingly talented, knowledgeable and truthfully artists with helping people learn to live a fit and healthy lifestyle.  Just as important, they care about their clients and it shows every single day in all that they do.

Our lives have been forever changed in the most positive of ways with all that we have learned from them.  We are able to live life to the fullest and experience things we would have never dreamed possible. And for decades longer!!  They have become close friends and family.

Through our transformation journeys we have gained in every aspect of our lives including happiness, health, spirituality, friendship and have expanded our family.  We love our Hitch Fit and Rockbody Retreats family.  We are so looking forward to joining the retreat again in Mexico next year!”

fit couple over 50

Program Choice: Fitness Model

Fitness Model Diet and Exercise Plan

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